miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

MISSION: To provide people have a decoration for their homes and offices.
VISION: Remodel a desk, coffee table etc.
OBJECTIVE: To give that special touch to your home and or office with this arrangement.
To publicize the new design.
Publicize the texture and color.
Being at the forefront.

Out of the ordinary to be extraordinary.
Glass is a picture of whether a given star, a triangle or simply round. Carrying a plant called bamboo with hydrogel and deep colored stones.
He was asked a total of 20 women, giving them the time to complete our survey.
Women, average age that is 15 to 17 years.

                                                          Customer MarquetingToday a company can not afford to be on the market without a clear customer horientasion asia, in fact, the current cituacion with less differentiated products, good customer clabe then appear as an element of distinction against other compradores.obiamente each company must assess the level and depth of its customer management model, which differ by their situation competitibamente, product type, customer type, size of company ...
There are three key reasons that identify the customer management as a requirement is a relationship cercial nesesarío.
Companies can not continue to lose customers as up to now.       
Sangria by customers is usually between 15% and 35% annually.
This low sangria are the main causes of business bankruptcy involves a substantial diminution of the benefits of losing customers left.
May fail because of client managem
 The main problem that plagues models of customer management is the lack of coherence in its inplementatión. they should in most cases, the development of the model is not due to a Prosesa of decicion that began in strategy to go down wing tactical actions in the last place wing search out resources to enforce them.
Serve customers with tics in the benthos to distance.
Is a person who depends Meneses ... these are a product or service that my company can satisfaser.
customer types are 3: 1: external customer, is elqueda the raw material for the product or cerbicio aser.
Internal customers are 2: who are shareholders are those who develop the service.
external customer this is dibide in 3: comercialisacion channel and distributes the product, market (in our deciciones influllen).

Final customer is dibide in 4; now is for care and provision of serbicio of satisfaction competitor: the buying wing competition.

Potential, is likely to be able to buy but do not grab it old recoverable is the aora bought but no longer purchase.

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